A statement regarding the abuse of England players following the Euro 2020 Final

Posted on 13th July, 2021

A statement regarding the abuse of England players following the Euro 2020 Final

At St Ursula’s Convent School we continually strive to tackle injustice and aim to consistently challenge behaviour and views that promote racial intolerance and discrimination, actively promoting anti-racism.

The events following the Euro 2020 Final in which three young black men, representing their country, were subjected to horrific racist abuse must not pass without comment.

As a school we are aware the events of Sunday evening will have affected many in our community. We want all members of our community to feel supported, valued and safe. We recognise solidarity with each other is a key principle of our Catholic faith and we each have a responsibility to protect one another. Anti-racism is everyone’s fight and it must happen in all spaces.

If any pupil in our school would like to talk about these issues they can contact one of our Safeguarding and Wellbeing officers, a member of the Racial Support Team or any member of staff.

We pray that the voices of the many will silence the voices of the few.

Click here to read our Statement Against Racism in full.

13th July 2021