Easter Master Classes

Posted on 31st March, 2022


As promised here is the finalised timetable for targeted Easter Masterclasses running from Monday 4th April to Thursday 7th April. You will receive another notification by Friday what sessions the student must attend. This information will be shared to students today.
As you will see there are morning and afternoon sessions; we also have a few online sessions which are clearly indicated.

A reminder that the Easter Master Classes will follow the same high expectations for behaviour, although students will be in their own clothes but the schools behaviour and mobile phone policy still remains in force. This includes arriving on time, wearing appropriate clothing and no food to be consumed. It is important that all students attend, as they do not have too much time left before their GCSEs in the Summer. We ask for your
support to ensure this happens.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for all your support and cooperation throughout the past year.

Mr Nwandison